Sunday, June 18, 2006

Treasure Hunters-June 18

I had a feeling that this would be one of the best reality series of all-time. I always thought that this was the show The Amazing Race should have been. While I was slightly disappointed, this is still a great show that could be even better than the Race.

I have to say that I am disappointed with the teams. One would expect the teams to be extremely bright and physically strong. Instead, most of the teams were either very stupid or out of shape. The team called "The Geniuses" should rename themselves "The Stupids" after they thought the producers would send them to the little-known Mount Theodore Roosevelt instead of Mount Rushmore. They also apparently didn't learn to follow directions on their way to their many degrees. The Brown Family is way out of shape and I really can't see them sticking in this race much longer. Of course, if teams like the Wild Hanlons (I like to call them Team Dog the Bounty Hunter) keep searching trashcans and random rock crevices, they might have a chance. Don't even get me started on the person that didn't know which president number George Washington was.

Right now I don't have a favorite team but I certainly have a least favorite one. The pastor on the Fogal Team didn't follow his preachings when he stole the map from one of the other teams. It was a dirty move that nobody should make, especially a preacher.

Did you watch the premiere? Did you like what you saw? Feel free to discuss in the comments section.


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