Wednesday, May 31, 2006

2006 Blog-a-Thon

Today and tomorrow will be my first annual blog-a-thon. Expect plenty of posts including more "best of...." articles, the "Laws of Lost," a memorial article on those who lost their lives during the television season, and a whole lot more. I will also launch "If Jack Bauer Was On....."; a new column featuring short stories about what our favorite hero would be like on other shows/in real life. Also, make sure to check out our other blogs as they will be updated as well. Here is the list:

TV-A-Holic (my blog recapping what I watch each day)
The Box Office (my movie blog)
Dollars Galore (a blog detailing how to earn money online)
The Gaming Guru (our video game blog)
Packers Nation (our Green Bay Packers/football blog)


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