Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Most Shocking Moments of the 2005-2006 Season

As the television season has wrapped, I've decided to honor the best of the year. Today's category is most shocking moment. From bombs in hospitals to murder on Lost, it has been a very shocking season of television. Here are some of the best:
  • Michael murders Anna Lucia and Libby on Lost and lets not-Henry Gale go free. I was pretty sure that Michael was with The Others but even I couldn't expect him to murder two people.
  • Melinda's best friend and only one of three regulars, Andrea, is killed by a crashed plane. This was very well done as I had no idea she was dead until the last few minutes of the episode. It was tough to pull off, but they nailed it.
  • President Logan is revealed to be a traitor on 24. I wasn't shocked by most of the deaths on this show. I kind of had a feeling that someone high up was a traitor but even I couldn't guess that the President was the traitor.
  • Izzie takes matters into her own hands and puts Denny into critical condition/Burke is shot/Denny dies and Izzie quits on Grey's Anatomy.
  • The bomb in the hospital on Grey's Anatomy. This whole episode was shocking.
  • The vice president is behind the conspiracy and kills the President on Prison Break.
  • Sam's daughter is the killer on Reunion. This never aired but it would have been a shock if it did.
  • J.D.'s new girlfriend is pregnant on Scrubs.
  • Jim and Pam kiss on The Office. I really did not expect this relationship to move so quick.
  • Beaver is the killer on Veronica Mars. I never even expected this quiet character to be a murderer. At first, I felt kind of cheated because there wasn't anything indicating him but I quickly realized that there was.
Make sure to vote for your favorite moment and feel free to nominate any that I may have forgot. Tomorrow, I will take a look at the best new characters of the season.


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