Thursday, May 04, 2006

Keep or Cut? #2

Which shows on the bubble should the network keep? I weigh in on this pressing topic with both what the station should do and what I want done. If you missed my first column, click here to see my thoughts on Close to Home, Scrubs, and Commander in Chief.

Freddie-This show did a decent job of holding George Lopez's numbers but its still definitely on the bubble. In my ABC Fall Preview, I have it competing with Sons & Daughters and the pilots for one of the last slots. I think this show has the lead by a slight margin but anything can happen. Lucky for Freddie, ABC has the weakest batch of comedies. Any other network would undoubtedly cut this show but ABC is so desperate they may need to keep it.

On the Menu?-Yes, On My Menu?-No (I'd pick Sons & Daughters over this)

War At Home-Surprisingly, this comedy has been a good fit for the predominantly animated FOX Sunday. It has done a fabolous job holding The Simpsons audience. On the other hand, critics hate it and FOX needs more space for new shows. There is probably at least a 90% chance this show will be on the schedule in the fall but I hope it doesn't happen.

Keep or Cut?-Keep, My Choice-Cut

Out of Practice-In the fall the comedy had a plush spot (after Two and a Half Men and before CSI: Miami). Consequently, its ratings were top-notch (though the show lost a lot of its lead in). It was moved to Wednesday in the spring and it suffered. Unfortunately, this was a show that got better as its ratings dropped. Since CBS's schedule is so full, this show is as good as gone. However, I'd like to lend my support for this show that is just finding its groove.

Prognosis-Dead, My Prognosis-Safe

Look for more of these articles in the days leading up to the upfront presentations. If you disagree with me or would like to lend support to a show in need, feel free to discuss in the comments section.


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