Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Last Comic Standing-June 20

This week, the task was so much funnier than the showdown. Thank goodness we were able to get rid of two of the weakest links this week. The only one of the three that even made me laugh during the showdown was Michele Balan and none of her material was that outstanding either. It is pretty sad when she got 83% of the vote.

I certainly won't mourn the loss of either of the comics. Stella was just a drama queen with nothing to back it up. April Macie reminds me of season two's first person out. Like April, she had absolutely no material and went on based only on her appearance.

This week's task was hilarious but obviously meant to stir up emotions. The hecklers were even funnier than the comedians. There was a little too much foul language for my taste but I loved Gabriel Iglesias' idea to just laugh throughout Bil Dwyer's entire routine. I also enjoyed Kristin's banter. She has really grown on me in the last few episodes.

Make sure to check back tomorrow for my first "cast review." Also, feel free to discuss tonight's episode in the comments section.


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