Thursday, June 08, 2006

Windfall-June 8

After the first episode of this show I can tell that there is a lot of potential but the pilot didn't quite live up to my expectations. I think it probably was because of the huge number of characters and stories that needed to be introduced. If the rest of the episodes tackle on story and character each week, this could be a great show because some of the storylines are very intriguing. I especially like the kid/Russian bride one and the pizza delivery woman one. Once more time can be spent on each one, this show will probably pick up steam.

I did have a few problems with the pilot though. First of all, most of the winners didn't even seem that exciting. The first person to find out barely even celebrated. I also didn't think the acting was all that great. However, with the original stories being told I think this show can overcome that shortcoming.


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