Monday, May 15, 2006

Channel Surfing-May 15, 2006

Prison Break-Lots of blood was shed. Sara overdosed on drugs and is possibly dead, T-Bag lost a hand and was left for dead, and two of the lesser knowns were left to fend for themselves. The escape was pretty dramatic but I wasn't such a fan of the cliffhanger end. The gang is left without a plane ride and surrounded by cops. I don't know how they will get themselves out of this mess but I can't wait to find out how they do.

24-This was probably one of the most boring episodes ever. A lot of dialogue and little action doesn't make for a great episode. When the highlight of the night is Mrs. Logan shooting one of the President's men, it doesn't look good. Luckily, the highlights for next week's two hour finale look promising.

How I Met Your Mother-After a slight decline in quality, How I Met Your Mother finally got back to its old form tonight. There were some very corny moments (especially the freak rainstorm thing) but also some great ones. I especially loved Barney's quote "You are making me the face of reason and that's not a face I like to wear." It was also nice to see both Amy Acker and Alexis Denisof. The Ted and Robin courtship has been way overplayed but the Lilly/Marshall relationship is finally getting a pulse. There was some excellent acting by the duo tonight.


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