Thursday, June 01, 2006

Best New Shows of the 2005-2006 Season

As the television season has wrapped, I've decided to honor the best of the year. So far, I've recounted the most shocking moments and the best new characters. Today's category is best new show. From the adventures of a young Chris Rock to the exploits of a group of convicts, it has been a great season for new shows. Here are some of the best:
  • Prison Break-Duh. This was the hottest new show of the year for so many reasons. The cast was great, the story was intriguing, and Wentworth Miller was the breakout star of the year.
  • How I Met Your Mother-My favorite new comedy of the year. This show combines good humor and a somewhat serialized story. Barney brought so many catchphrases to the table. It is no wonder why it is my favorite new comedy.
  • My Name Is Earl-The exploits of Earl and Randy made for great television. Unfortunately, it seemed to drop in quality later in the year.
  • Everybody Hates Chris-A great family comedy which didn't quite get the viewership it deserved.
  • Supernatural-I was somewhat disappointed in this show because I was hoping it would be more like Buffy the Vampire Slayer. However, it is still a great show.
  • Deal or No Deal-Until NBC decided to put it on its schedule three nights a week, this was one exciting game show.
  • Reunion-This was cancelled very early and it was slightly disappointing, but it was still one of the best new shows.
  • Surface-My favorite of the science fiction shows this season. Invasion was too slow and Threshold was kind of repetitive. Surface moved at just the right speed.
Make sure to vote for your favorite new show and feel free to nominate any that I may have forgotten. Tomorrow, I will take a look at the shows that improved this season.


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