Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Big Brother: All-Stars-June 21

I was shocked by some of the options CBS gave us in the Big Brother All-Stars vote. Audience favorites like Jason and Jack were passed up for mediocre players like Bunky and Cowboy. There are still plenty of solid choices. Here are the twelve I would pick to play:
  • Chicken George-We need some entertainment and George would definitely provide it. He was probably the funniest houseguest of all-time. It will also be interesting to see him play the new style game.
  • Howie-This jedi is a shoo-in to make the house and it is pretty obvious why. He is funny and lovable yet still plays the game hard.
  • Kaysar-This will be his third chance but I felt he was jipped out of his other two chances (first because he is Muslim and then because of the worst lie in Big Brother history). He is a good strategizer and I'd love to see him in the house (and more than likely he will be).
  • Will-The first of many solid Big Brother players, Will will have some troubles making allies this time around. Everybody knows he is a liar so it will be tough for him to make it past the early rounds but I'd like to see him try.
  • James-Another good player from season six that should be given another attempt.
  • Marcellas-I struggled with my last male choice. None of the options were that intriguing but Marcellas is probably the best person to go with. I would have rather had Jason or Jack though.
  • Janelle-She will probably be the top vote getter and I'm glad that we will get another chance to see her in action. She's a good game player and she is very entertaining.
  • Danielle-Yet another good strategizer.
  • Alison-I don't like her at all but it will be nice to see her go out early. Nobody will trust her and she more than likely won't make it past the second week or so. We also need some villains.
  • Lisa-She won her game so she obviously knows how to play.
  • Erika-She was one of the few people I could stand during her season.
  • Nakomis-She goes in by default. None of the other possible women even deserve to be on an All-Stars list. I didn't even remember who most of them were. At least Nakomis knows how to play the game (she even came up with the six-finger plan).
Which twelve players would you pick to play the game? Did Big Brother forget some good players?


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