Friday, June 02, 2006

Doctor Who (2005)-June 2

This episode poking fun and game/reality shows was hilarious. It was the best episode since the first one. I can't wait to find out what happens next. It's a shame that some of the reality shows couldn't have been American ones. It would have been awesome to see Captain Jack on Survivor or American Idol.

If you missed the episode and want to know what happened, read on. If you plan to still watch it, stop reading now.

The Doctor, Rose, and Captain Jack all wound up on different gameshows. Unfortunately, the punishment for losing these shows is death. Doctor Who and Jack break out of their gameshows and get to Rose just in time to see her get disintegrated. However, after taking over the command center, Jack realizes that the losers were just sent to another spaceship-one that is commanded by Daleks. The Doctor vows to defeat the thousands of Daleks and rescue Rose.

What did you think of the episode?


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