Friday, June 02, 2006

Honoring the Dead of the 2005-2006 TV Season

This website has the complete list of deaths during the 2005-2006 television season. Obviously, 24 had the most deaths with ten (8 if you take out the two very minor characters-Jenny and Dwayne). Alias had seven in its final season (including three in the finale). Surprisingly, Veronica Mars had six. This list is very alarming. TV deaths have become so common that many of them aren't even surprises anymore.

I'd have to say the most shocking death for me was Andrea on Ghost Whisperer. I thought the producers did a great job of hiding it and I was completely shocked when it was revealed. The Ana Lucia/Libby double murder was also a complete shock to me. The most ridiculous death had to be Jack on Close to Home. I didn't follow the show after January but this death makes very little sense at all. I know the producers want to make it less confined to small town crime but then the show just becomes a formulaic procedural. Killing off Annabeth's husband just seems cruel and unnecessary.

Which death did you think was most shocking? The most unnecessary? Do you think TV deaths are getting out of hand? Feel free to discuss in the comments section.


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