Saturday, June 24, 2006

The Six-Pack: My Six Television Idols

Some people have celebrities as their role models. Others have sports heroes or presidents. I have television characters. Here are the six characters I idolize:

1) Adrian Monk (Monk)-Like Monk I have a lot of anxieties. I'm not afraid of milk or nature like he is but I do sympathize with him on many of his fears. Even with all of his problems, he still finds a way to be the best television detective. He is a great role model for anybody with anxiety.

2) Chloe O'Brien (24)-Chloe is showing America that nerds can be cool and heroic. She has some personality problems but she is still one of the better portrayed nerds on TV.

3) Earl Hickey (My Name Is Earl)-
Earl used to be a crook but turned his life around. He changed his life for the better one step at a time.

4) The Scooby Gang (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)-
As it said on her tombstone, Buffy "saved the world.....a lot." Willow, Xander, and Giles deserve mention for their work as well. While I won't be slaying vampires or stopping The First anytime soon, these characters should still be role models for many.

5) The Contestants on American Inventor-
After watching this show, I found myself trying to think of the next great invention. I'm sure a lot of other people have been motivated to do the same after viewing American Inventor.

6) President David Palmer (24)-
After Monk, he is probably my next favorite role model. I only wish we had a real President like him. He made all the right decisions and even told the truth. It is great that someone can get so far with good traits like that.

Which television characters do you look up to?


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