Sunday, June 25, 2006

The Six-Pack: The Six Characters I Wish Were Still on "24"

(SPOILER ALERT) If you don't want to be spoiled about plot twists on 24 from seasons 1-5, stop reading now.

24 was the first show that wasn't afraid to kill of major characters. No other show in history has killed as many key players as 24. Unfortunately, I wish that many of the characters killed were still alive. Here are my top six:

1) President David Palmer-24 has seemed to have had trouble replacing Dennis Haysbert. While Logan was interesting, I would take Palmer any day of the week.

2) Tony Almeida-He was always one of my favorite characters (usually just after David Palmer). I was very upset when he was unceremoniously killed by a wimpy needle. He had been shot and almost blown up before so why would a stupid needle kill him? They should have just let him go out on a high note by being killed with his wife in the car explosion. His replacement, Curtis, is just not as interesting as Tony.

3) Nina Meyers-
Nina was clearly the best villain in 24 history. I can see why she was killed off (she terrorized CTU for three seasons so she was due for death) but I wish they would have kept her alive and brought her back in a few seasons. I don't know if there will ever be a 24 baddie as evil as Nina.

4) Chase Edmunds-
He only got one season but I liked him during the small time we got to see him. He provided the first good story for Kim in two seasons. It is a shame that it couldn't have been developed more. I also liked him because he was like a young Jack. It would have been interesting to see Jack groom him into the next great CTU agent.

5) Michelle Dessler-
I loved Michelle and Tony's office romance story and really wish it could have been developed more. She is definitely replaceable but I wish she would have got another season or two.

6) Sherry Palmer-
She might have been even more hatable than Nina Meyers. Obviously, she wouldn't have had any potential storylines after David left office but I still miss her. Luckily, Martha Logan is a solid replacement for her.

Which 24 character do you miss the most? Do you wish the producers would stop killing so many characters?


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