Monday, June 26, 2006

Treasure Hunters-June 26

Tonight was a night of struggles for the nine remaining teams:
  • The Brown Family continued to have water troubles. Their canoe tripped over yet they still kept going. They were eliminated but they look like they may be coming back next episode (possibly due to the Grad Students injury).
  • One of the Grad Students suffered a knee injury. I commend them for continuing to push on. Thank goodness they beat the lazy and stupid Hanlons.
  • The Wild Hanlons continued to look for clues in all the wrong places. They spent over 11 hours in the mine and more than four hours at the last clue. They also overslept by about three hours. Even worse, they went out to eat instead of finishing the leg. It is no wonder why they lost to a team with a member on crutches. It is too bad they didn't also lose to the Brown Family because they are really starting to annoy me.
  • The Fogal Family continued to defy God when they backstabbed the Southie Boys after they had just helped them carry their canoe. I hate people who do something wrong only to immediately ask God for forgiveness. If these three keep it up, they may be worse than Vecepia in that matter.
I must admit that this episode was a significant step backwards for the series. It looked like it had a ton of potential last week but now it just seems like a cheap Amazing Race rip-off. It's still better than most of the junk on this summer but it is a disappointment.

Episode Score: B-


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